Lisa Hurst
Photographer, Cynthiana, KEntucky
Lisa Hurst
I began my relationship with art in high school where I was able to explore many different mediums of expression but had a hard time finding a niche. I was hired as a graphic artist at the Cynthiana Democrat in 1984 and produced years’ worth of work in that field until I moved to the news department in 1992 and picked up a camera. I had finally found my niche. I worked for years with film and spent many hours in the darkroom. Creativity outside of the scope of my job was cost-prohibitive, however. When the newspaper transitioned to digital, I purchased a digital camera, which gave me the freedom to take more photos and be more creative.
I love to take photos of everything, but landscapes and architecture are what I am drawn to, especially when traveling with my husband Earl. I try to photograph popular places in unusual ways as well as search for places that are off the beaten path. The world is full of beautiful places. I hope my photos give the viewer a sense of what I was feeling in that moment.
I still dabble in art occasionally, mostly watercolor collages and acrylic abstracts.